How to earn money by writing articles?

There are several ways to earn money by writing articles, such as:

1. Freelance Writing: You can offer your writing services to clients as a freelance writer. You can find clients on various platforms such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. You can charge per article or per word.

2. Guest Blogging: You can write articles for other blogs and websites as a guest blogger. Some websites pay for guest posts while others offer a backlink in return for the article.

3. Content Mills: Content mills are platforms that connect writers with clients who need content. You can earn money by writing articles on these platforms, but the pay may not be as high as freelance writing.

4. Writing for Magazines and Newspapers: You can also pitch articles to magazines and newspapers. If your pitch is accepted, you will get paid for your article.

5. Self-Publishing: You can also self-publish your articles and sell them as eBooks on platforms such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.

Remember, the key to earning money through writing articles is to produce high-quality content that meets the needs of your clients or readers. Build a portfolio of your work, establish your expertise in a particular niche, and always meet deadlines.