Corrective services nsw deposit justice@dcj. Our main entry is via Lawson Street past Brush Farm House. The Review will make If you’re requesting information from Corrective Services NSW (CNSW), it’s important to include the following details: the correct name for the type of record you’re requesting; a specific date range for the records you’re requesting. How to get there Public transport Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) has made depositing money into inmate accounts easier. CSNSW is responsible for ensuring that both sentenced inmates and remand inmates (i. Email: Contact_BFCSA@dcj. Corrective Services NSW Locked Bag 5000 Parramatta NSW 2124 Phone: (02) 8346 1333. Corrective Services NSW Academy. Phone 02 8688 0567. The collection for Corrective Services NSW staff covers a wide range of print and online resources with an emphasis on criminology, penology, psychology, sociology, management, education and training. About us keyboard_arrow_right Minister for Corrections Anoulack Chanthivong has appointed Mr Gary McCahon PSM to the role of Commissioner, Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW). 4. We are a 20 minute walk from Eastwood railway station, with bus stops right outside on route 545 from Chatswood to Parramatta and 521 from Eastwood to Parramatta. on behalf of Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW), and all CSNSW employees. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. CORRECTIVE SERVICES NSW NSW DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL AND JUSTICE Ms Ball commenced employment with Corrective Services as a Legal Oficer in 2004, and has prior Board of Management (continued) Assistant Commissioner, Enterprise Assets and Chief Information Oficer . 7 KB; 7. nsw. Bank accounts and deposits; Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. 7 KB; 4. 00pm Monday to Friday. If you are a friend or family member who wants to deposit money to an inmate, you must: have a CSNSW Depositor Reference Report - unique to each depositor Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. 30am to 4. Telephone: (02) 9804 5444. Learn how to book a medical or legal visit and Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) welcomes family and friends who wish to visit NSW correctional centres. Community and Workplace Training Unit For enquiries relating to the Community and Workplace Training please email The complex serves as a reception prison for western NSW. 17 National Competition Policy PDF, 28. If you need help, ask a SAPO (Services and Programs Officer) to help. These primarily relate to ensuring children and young people in Corrective Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. 8 MB) Annual Report 2007-2008 Highlights (PDF, 313. CSNSW is responsible for the administration of sentences and legal orders and provides custodial security and community-based services as an This entry level course is the first step for all Custodial staff taking up employment as Correctional Officers, Overseers and Casual Correctional Officers, within Corrective Services NSW. Chaplaincy Administrator. Including these Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. 4 KB; 8. Find information about purchase orders, contracts and tendering. 3 KB) 2008. Ask an officer for an envelope, then write our address on it: NSW Ombudsman Level 24, 580 George Street Sydney NSW 2000. Our locations. Each correctional centre in New South Wales identifies worthy projects in consultation with local government and non-profit organisations. correctiveservices. Postal Address. Personality & Behavioural Disorders Services Corrective Services' effectively supervises offenders in the community while working towards successful order completion and re-settlement. Cash, cheque Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) has made depositing money into inmate accounts easier. 6 Procedure for sending inmate monies out 6 All research projects involving inmates, offenders, Corrective Services staff or other access to Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) records or facilities must first be approved in writing by the Commissioner of CSNSW prior to any project being commenced. 14 Complaints Handling PDF, 29. 5 Deposits exempt from limits 5 1. Community Corrections Offices. CSNSW recognises that visits are important to maintain strong family relationships and make it easier for inmates to readjust to Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. The Chaplaincy Administrator is based at the Brush Farm Academy and provides administrative support to the Chaplaincy Coordinator. Key documents and resources Families Handbook Corrective Services NSW (PDF, 12 MB) Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. CSNSW has phased out cash, cheque and money order deposits at all its correctional centres. PO Box 166 Bathurst NSW 2795. The commercial arm of Corrective Services NSW, CSI operates over 100 commercial business units and service industries teams, strategically located in metro and regional correctional centres across NSW. Families and friends can electronically deposit money by using BPAY (internet and phone banking) or make a deposit using cash or a debit You can deposit money into a family member or friend’s account electronically by using BPAY or by making a deposit at a post office. It also provides an information, analysis and advice service to the CSNSW Commissioner, the Minister for Communities and Justice and Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. 66 Terry Road EASTWOOD NSW 2122. Bank accounts and deposits; Corrective Services' effectively supervises offenders in the community while working towards successful order completion and re-settlement. This includes people who are sent to prison and those subject to court The Acute Crisis Management Unit (ACMU) sits within the Specific Needs cluster, Corrective Services NSW. e. 0 KB) Profile of Violent Behaviour by Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. You must confirm your identity and provide the name and date of birth or . Our location. 2 Standard Requirements for the Construction of Corrective Services Industries Facilities PDF, 47. We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the First Nations Peoples of NSW and pay our respects to Elders past, present, and Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. Corrective Services NSW employs trade overseers in commercial Corrective Services Industries, providing inmates with vocational training. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) welcomes family and friends who wish to visit NSW correctional centres. To this end, CSNSW must limit the risk of Corrective Services Introduction Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) manages the largest prison system in Australia. General concerns. Related agencies. 2 1 Inmate financials 4 1. To expand our capacity to deliver programs community settings, CSNSW engages External Program facilitators. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally Read the Restorative Justice Service Policy (DCJ NSW) (PDF, 620. Doing business with CSNSW. Since this time it has been continuously responsible for undertaking research, evaluation and statistics for Corrective Services NSW and other government and external agencies. Service of Subpoena and GIPA Requests clarencecorrectionalcentre@serco-ap. Email: chaplaincycsnsw@dcj. 2 Inmate Wages Latest information on visiting correctional facilities, inmate health and safety and what to do if you report to Community Corrections Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. Corrective Services NSW contributed $800,000 towards this refurbishment and currently has a 10 year lease on the upper floor of the House. To support this priority, a number of changes Corrective Services NSW runs the state’s correctional centres, supervises offenders in the community, and delivers programs to reduce reoffending, support reintegration and build safer communities. Role. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally The Child Protection Co-Ordination and Support Unit (CPCSU) ensures CSNSW meets its legislative responsibilities under the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 as well as those contained in the NSW Government's Interagency Guidelines for Child Protection Intervention. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. About us keyboard_arrow_right Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. 7 Inmate financials - version 1. Street address 313 Avenue Road Lavadia 2462. gov. Concerns about inmate health. CSNSW is responsible for the state's prisons and a range of programs for Corrective Services NSW, preserves community safety by keeping inmates secure, supervising offenders in the community, and reducing reoffending. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally Statewide Disability Services (SDS) sits within the Specific Needs cluster, Corrective Services NSW. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. Annual Report 2006-2007 (PDF, 6. au. Placement availability will depend on indemnity insurance being provided by the training Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. Contact details: Jodie Gilmour. See how you can work for Corrective Services NSW. If you want to give us mental health information only, call Justice Health NSW Mental Health Helpline on 1800 222 472 – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These guidelines provide information for researchers and CSEC reviewers about the conditions under the amount of each deposit made for an inmate ($100). Photography by: Jean Dally Trevor Fry Charlene Joyce Judith Lewis John McPhee The Aboriginal Deaths in CSNSW Custody Thematic Review will carefully consider the deaths of Aboriginal people in the custody of Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) since 2010. The program is part of Corrective Services Industries and provides Aboriginal inmates with cultural, educational, vocational, workplace and Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. Bank accounts and deposits; Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation Represent Corrective Services NSW to external agencies and individuals as key contacts on matters related to psychology and the practice of psychologists in Corrective Services NSW. east. POLICY Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) has a responsibility to maintain public confidence in the administration of criminal justice by ensuring that its employees act in the public interest. Postal Address: Locked Bag 5111, Parramatta NSW 2124 If you are a relative or friend seeking the current location of an inmate, the Corrective Services NSW Inmate Location Line can be contacted on (02) 8346 1000 or by email: CScorporatesupport@dcj. 30am-5. Brush Farm Corrective Services Academy Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. keyboard_arrow_left Back to previous menu close Close Menu. Rehabilitation services are provided to offenders to minimise reoffending post-release. Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. Contact information. Put Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. Urgent concerns Service of documents Clarenceinmatepaperwork@serco-ap. Mb: 0423693497 Email: Jodie. CSNSW will make the approved payment to inmates and invoice you or your CSI is responsible for providing work and education opportunities to eligible and willing people in custody as part of their rehabilitation program. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally NSW Community Offender Services Census 2009 (PDF, 604. Find out more about the Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network (Justice Health NSW). Postal address Locked Bag 3902 South Grafton NSW 2460. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. Please contact us if you would like to know more about taking part in a Restorative Justice process. 2 Special purpose deposits 4 1. Management of the medium-security Kariong Juvenile Detention Centre near Gosford on the Central Coast was transferred from the Department of Juvenile Justice to the Corrective The Corrective Services NSW Academy offers a wide range of courses each year. Corrective Services provides inmates with education, vocational training, If you are a relative or friend seeking the current location of an inmate, the Corrective Services NSW Inmate Location Line can be contacted on (02) 8346 1000 or by email: CScorporatesupport@dcj. Wayne Ruckley joined Corrective Services in 1981 Corrective Services NSW Community Projects Program is a successful community based rehabilitation program for people in custody. 5 KB; 5. CSNSW is responsible for the administration of sentences and legal orders and provides custodial security and community-based services as an Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. We sometimes conduct recruitment advertising campaigns for the roles of casual correctional officer, trade overseer and Service of documents Clarenceinmatepaperwork@serco-ap. com. Since 2001 Corrective Services NSW has invested more than $4 million in upgrading the facilities at the Brush Farm site - including accommodation, parking and Bistro facilities. Other Paid Employment Policy and Guidelines . The ACMU provides a specialised short-term referral option for male offenders who are assessed as an acute risk of harm to themselves, and this risk cannot be managed at their local centre. JUST Connect allows community and government agencies, as well as approved external stakeholders, to book video and The Continuous Improvement & Compliance Unit provides an internal consultancy service to training units within the Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy RTO 90075 and the Adult Education and Vocational Training Institute (AEVTI) RTO 7057. CSNSW will make the approved payment to inmates and invoice you or your CORRECTIVE SERVICES NSW NSW DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL AND JUSTICE Ms Ball commenced employment with Corrective Services as a Legal Oficer in 2004, and has prior Board of Management (continued) Assistant Commissioner, Enterprise Assets and Chief Information Oficer . 8 KB) NSW Inmate Census 2009 (PDF, 423. Phone (02) 6338 3282 Fax: (02) 6338 3239. General enquiries Phone: +61 (0) 2 6643 6500 ClarenceEnquiries@serco-ap. Learn how to book a medical or legal visit and Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally Corrections Research, Evaluation and Statistics (CRES) collects, analyses, interprets and disseminates information to assist Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) planning, policy formulation and operational management. (VIN) is required for individuals requesting contact As of 27 November 2023, Leon Taylor is the Acting Commissioner of Corrective Services NSW. If you want to give information about mental or physical health, or have concerns about This page contains information about how the chaplaincy service functions in NSW correctional centres and international conventions that address correctional centre issues as they relate to chaplaincy services. How to get there Public transport Corrective Services NSW runs the state’s correctional centres, supervises offenders in the community, and delivers programs to reduce reoffending, support reintegration and build safer communities. 30pm - Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. 1 Electronic banking for inmates 4 1. It delivers professional correctional services and programs to reduce re-offending and enhance community safety Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) has made it easier to deposit money into inmate accounts by using BPAY or by making a deposit at a post office. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) is one of three . 4 Money by post 5 1. Strategic and operational decisions relating to policy, procedures and practices of psychologist in CSNSW are recommended by the Psychological Clinical Governance Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. 30pm - Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays). Cash, cheque and money order deposits are not accepted at any correctional centres. The Correctional Services Training Unit is based at the Corrective Services NSW Academy at Eastwood. You can also contact the Correctional Centre directly and request to speak to a Services and Programs Officer (SAPO). 5 KB). Fax: (02) 9804 5428. (OS&P), as a branch of Corrective Services New South Wales (CSNSW), provides a range of services and programs to offenders Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. (VIN) is required for individuals requesting contact JUST Connect is the web-based collaborative software system we use to make it video-conferencing easier. You can find all Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) jobs on the government website iworkfor. Postal address. those in custody awaiting trial) are supervised and managed in a If you are worried about someone’s mental health in custody please call the Justice Health NSW Mental Health Helpline on 1800 222 472. Internet . Legal and medical visitors. Mr McCahon has four decades of experience in corrections, most recently spending four years as Deputy Commissioner, Custodial Operations for Queensland on behalf of Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW), and all CSNSW employees. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. CSNSW recognises that visits are important to maintain strong family relationships and make it easier for inmates to readjust Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. CSNSW is responsible for the administration of sentences and legal orders and provides custodial Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. The initiative was established by Corrective Services NSW in 2017 before it was adopted by other states and territories, and New Zealand, in 2018. CSNSW will make the approved payment to inmates and invoice you or your professional correctional services to reduce re‑offending and enhance community safety. Corrective Services' effectively supervises offenders in the community while working towards successful order completion and re-settlement. Corrections Research Evaluation, & Statistics (CRES) formally the Research and Statistics Division was established in July 1970. Find out how to support an inmate by making a deposit into their account. Email restorative. 3 KB) 2006/2007. Programs are delivered at the Academy and also off site at correctional centres and office locations across the state. Street address. Sessions include the key result areas of Organisational Administration and Management, Safety and Security, Offender Management, Weapons and Officer Survival Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) delivers . Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally Get the address, phone number and other contact details for Corrections Corporate Support Unit. Cash, cheque call Justice Health NSW on (02) 9700 3000 between 8:00am to 4:00pm; email JHFMHN-clo@health. Cash, cheque, and money order deposits are not accepted at any correctional centres. Correctional centres; Community corrections offices (Probation and Parole) Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. . NSW Department of Corrective Services Annual Report. We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the First Nations Peoples of NSW and pay our respects to Elders past, present, and National Corrections Day is an annual event, held on the third Friday of January, established to celebrate and give thanks to all corrections staff who work on the frontline with offenders. Henry Deane Building 20 Lee Street Sydney NSW 2000 Telephone (02) 8346 1333 Facsimile (02) 8346 1010. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally Concerns about inmate health. Indigenous deaths in NSW Corrective Services Custody 1996-07 to 2006-07 (PDF, 214. Hours of Operation . to ensure that resource allocation, utilisation and accountability processes demonstrate high standards of corporate governance, Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) is an executive agency of the Government of New South Wales, Australia. divisions of the Department of Attorney General and Justice. You can contact us if you are worried about the health of a family member or friend in custody. SDS assists all offenders with disability whether in Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. CSNSW delivers a range of programs to offenders who are in custody and offenders who are under Community Corrections supervision orders. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISED PERFORMANCE IN CORRECTIONS MISSION REDUCE RE-OFFENDING THROUGH SECURE, SAFE AND HUMANE MANAGEMENT OF OFFENDERS HEAD OFFICE: Department of Corrective Services Roden Cutler House 24 Campbell Street Sydney NSW 2000 Telephone: (02) 9289 1333 Facsimile: (02) 9289 1289 Hours of Operation: Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. 13 Customer Service PDF, 57. Wayne Ruckley . Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally professional correctional services to reduce re‑offending and enhance community safety. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally undertake research within Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW). Correctional centres; Community corrections offices (Probation and Parole) CORRECTIVE SERVICES NSW Human Resources . au . About us keyboard_arrow_right CSNSW welcomes postgraduate psychology students completing clinical and research placements. Photography by: Jean Dally Trevor Fry Charlene Joyce Judith Lewis John McPhee Pieces are exhibited in government buildings of Corrective Services NSW, TAFE NSW, Education NSW and local councils. 8. 6 Procedure for sending inmate monies out 6 You can write to us in any language. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) has made depositing money into inmate accounts easier. Postgraduate psychology students currently enrolled in '5th year' or '6th year' of an APAC accredited course are eligible to apply for voluntary placement with CSNSW. How to get there Public transport. www. We provide specialist advice on: Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 Library@CSNSW services are available to all staff in Corrective Services NSW, inmates of NSW correctional centres, and to other users on request. The Review will be guided by an external reference group including many Aboriginal experts with considerable relevant experience, chaired by Professor James Ward. NSW Department of Corrective Services undertake research within Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW). 2 KB; 6. Annual Report 2007-2008 (PDF, 2. Mid North Coast Correctional Centre is a maximum-, medium- and minimum- security centre for males and females. Money generated from artwork sales is put back into the centre's operating costs. 5 KB) 2005/2006. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) is expanding our pool of External Program Facilitators. Cash, cheque Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. 7 Issue of Credits PDF, 54. Other prisons to open around this time were Dillwynia Correctional Centre, a female prison, in 2004, and the Mid North Coast Correctional Centre, a 500-bed facility opened near Kempsey the same year. Leon has been with the Department since 2017 initially as Executive Director of the Prison Bed Capacity Program, and from 2020 as The Corrective Services NSW Academy is located at 66 Terry Road, Eastwood NSW 2122, which is also the postal address. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally NSW Department of Corrective Services Annual Report. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) is a division of the Department of Communities & Justice. 1 Private Sector Correctional Industries Programs PDF, 47. In 2017/18* there were on average 13,373 inmates in full- time custody each day. professional correctional services to reduce re‑offending and enhance community safety. Information on all our courses including duration, target group and delivery pathways can be found on each individual course page. Cash, cheque Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. Community Corrections Offices (Probation and Parole) Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. The NSW Government has announced changes that provide authority for the Commissioner for CSNSW to conditionally release some low risk and vulnerable inmates from prison under Corrective Services NSW runs the state’s correctional centres, supervises offenders in the community, and delivers programs to reduce reoffending, support reintegration and build Corrective Services NSW has a lead role in the State Plan’s R2 objective to reduce re-offending by 10 percent by 2016. Corrective Services NSW . If you want to give information about mental or physical health, or have concerns about A brief history of corrective services in NSW "Corrective services" is the name given to the work of punishing and reforming people convicted by the courts. Families and friends can electronically deposit money by using BPAY (internet and phone banking) or make a deposit using cash or a debit card at any post office. Gilmour@dcj. 1. GPO Box 31 Sydney NSW 2001. About us keyboard_arrow_right The period from 1946 to 1976 witnessed the introduction of numerous changes and innovations, such as the foundation of the NSW Probation and Parole Service (now Community Corrections), the work release scheme and weekend detention. HRO psychologists work alongside a multi-disciplinary team consisting of Psychologists, Community Corrections staff, Police and DCJ Legal to provide assessment, intervention and risk management services to offenders eligible for/subject to an Order under the Crimes (High Risk Offenders) Act 2006. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) has made it easier to deposit money into inmate accounts by using BPAY or by making a deposit at a post office. Wayne Ruckley joined Corrective Services in 1981 undertake research within Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW). au 8. Corrective Services NSW runs the state’s correctional centres, supervises offenders in the community, and delivers programs to reduce reoffending, support reintegration and build safer communities. 3 Deposits to secure release on bail 5 1. Corner of Browning Street and Brookmoore Avenue Bathurst NSW 2795. Find a Correctional Centre Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) objectives are two-fold: 1. It is a multidisciplinary team that addresses the additional support needs of offenders with disability. There are train and private coach services that operate from Sydney to Bathurst. keyboard_arrow_left Back to previous menu close Close Menu Bank accounts and deposits; Legal and medical visitors keyboard_arrow_right. Note: Corrective Services NSW Academy was formerly known as Brush Farm Academy. 8 MB) Annual Report 2006-2007 Highlights (PDF, 206. It is located at Aldavilla, 455 km north of Sydney and 14 km west of Kempsey. mvmmip fai egah nhcvt ihqp aaxcfhx wcagkp ivep jdd kdb